A bill amending Springfield's Indecent Exposure Ordinance has been approved by City Council. It requires more complete coverage of women's breasts and also calls for more coverage of both men's and women's buttocks. The stricter ordinance was presented after a recent rally in which topless participants protested what they said were unequal existing laws.
Councilman Craig Fishel says equality can never be attained anyway.
"I have learned over the years that life is not fair and not equal no matter how hard we try to legislate equality. It isn't now and it never will be," he said.
Fishel says Springfield is a conservative community with high social and moral ideas, and nudity on Park Central Square is offensive to many.
Councilman Craig Hosmer says the new ordinance doesn't even deal with the problem people were concerned with--the Free the Nipple Rally on the square.
"We're taking action tonight that repeals our current law to address a problem that it will not correct. It makes absolutely no sense," he said.
The bill passed by a vote of five to four. Those voting against the changes were Mike Schilling, Jan Fisk, Craig Hosmer and Bob Stephens.