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Education news and issues in the Ozarks.

Strive for Civility in Conversations

A man and a woman having a conversation at a cafe.

Race. Politics. Immigration. Gun control. These are some of the hot button issues in America today. They elicit strong emotions in people and often cause conflict in conversations.

However, tense discussions don’t have to be disrespectful or result in screaming matches. While it takes effort and practice, being civil in our conversations is possible.

Dr. Elizabeth Dudash-Buskirk is associate professor of communication at Missouri State University. She’s also the director of Be Civil Be Heard, a nonprofit through Community Foundation of the Ozarks and administered out of MSU’s Center for Community Engagement. She discusses how we can strive for more civil conversations with others.

Read the full transcript  

Read about Be Civil Be Heard's 10 Tenets of Civility.

A native of Malaysia, Emily moved to Springfield in 2010 and started working at Missouri State University in 2014. She’s currently the assistant director in the Office of Strategic Communication. She has a BA in Mass Communications from Colorado State University-Pueblo and a Master of Journalism from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.
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