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Studio Live
Second Friday of every month, 12-1pm

Hear songs from local musicians as they perform live from the KSMU studios. This hour-long event, held at noon one Friday out of each month, mixes conversation with performance. We'll learn more about these musicians and their love for music, as well as the music itself.

Tune in Tuesdays before Studio Live at 7:45 am and 4:44 pm for SoundCheck - a preview to Studio Live with an in-depth interview with the musicians. 

Catch the musicians in person the same day as the radio broadcast for Studio Live Social Hour at Mother's Brewing Company. We love getting a bunch of public radio listeners together for local music – join us from 6-8 pm. 

Upcoming Schedule:

March 14: molly.

April 11: Roxie & the Moon King

May 9: Brett Miller

June 13: The James River Drifters

July 11: The Hook Knives

August 8: Ashtyn Barbaree

September 12: Mitchell Matthews

October 10: Matteson Gregory

November 14: Mr. Orange